Today we announce the results of the twentieth official round of the TechEmpower Framework Benchmarks project.
Now in its eighth year, this project measures the high-water mark performance of server side web application frameworks and platforms using predominantly community-contributed test implementations. The project has processed more than 5,200 pull requests from contributors.
Round 20 Updates from our contributors
In the months between Round 19 and Round 20, about four hundred pull requests were processed. Some highlights shared by our contributors:
- @matt-42 says Lithium has optimized its Postgres implementation.
- @dantti created the ASql library to talk to Postgres in async mode and put this to use with Cutelyst.
- @sebastienros reports that Stephen Toub posted an excellent blog containing detail on all the performance improvements in .NET 5.
- @sagenschneider reports that OfficeFloor’s new use of asynchronous programming in its inversion of coupling control has enabled using reactive libraries such as R2DBC. More information can be found in OfficeFloor’s blog post about round 20.
(Please reach out if you are a contributor and didn’t yet get a chance to share your updates. We’ll get them added here.)
Thanks again to contributors and fans of this project! As always, we really appreciate your continued interest, feedback, and patience!
Round 20 is composed of:
- Run 68ea3e13-def2-484a-b832-40fbcb46be61 from Azure.
- Run f78282e3-ed37-4e7c-9862-3163de23b23b from Citrine.